- 5-part differentiation, many parameters, 1 (3D scattergram) , 3 (2D scattergrams) and 3 histograms
- Triangle semi-conductor Laser scatter combined with chemical dye method, advanced flow cytometry
- Compact, powerful and affordable
- Only 20ul sampling volume
- Up to 80 samples per hour
- 3 counting modes: whole blood, capillary blood and prediluted
- Capability to flag abnormal samples
- Large storage capacity: up to 100,000 samples
27 Parameter : WBC, Lymph#, Mon#, Neu#, Eso#, Bas#, Lymph%, Mon%, Neu%, Eso%, Bas%, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV, RDW-SD, PLT, PDW, MPV, PCT,LIC%, LIC#, ALY%, ALY#
3 Histogram for WBC, RBC, and PLT
3 DIFF Scattergrams and 1 BASO Scattergrams
Automated Hematology Analyzer DYMIND DH-76 (5-Part)
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